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  11:00 am, Worship Service,
     with coffee fellowship following
   Child care is available during Worship


Worship is the most significant focus of our church activity. Worship encourages and inspires us to follow Christ in mission and ministry throughout the week. Under the oversight of the Worship Commission, the Pastor and our professional Choir Director/Pianist routinely plan worship. Worship style leans toward the traditional but has elements of meditation and celebration, particularly as expressed in music. Worship includes familiar hymns and praise music. The order of worship tends to be flexible and includes lay leader participation. The choir sings weekly from fall to late spring.


We believe that God the creator, who makes all things possible, has a plan for all of us. God, a part of the Holy Trinity, has freely given us his unconditional love, his Son, his holy word through the Bible, the Holy Spirit, and numerous gifts to use in our lives as we serve God.

Jesus Christ, the Son of God and second part of the Trinity, came to teach, heal, and reconcile us to God. Jesus our Savior died on the cross and rose on the third day as a victory over sin and death. Christ is always there for us as our teacher, friend, counselor, and prince of peace.

The Holy Spirit, the third part of the Trinity, is how God works within us. The Holy Spirit is our comforter, conscience, and guide.

The Bible, as the word of God, is the covenant between God and humanity. It tells us of the good news of Jesus. As a source of wisdom and common sense, the Bible tells the history of the Jewish people and the early Christian church and the prophesies of the past and future.

As humans, we are all sinners saved by God's grace. When we ask for forgiveness, it is freely given. As God's creation, we need the Triune God in our lives for centering and foundation. We welcome everyone into the body of Christ when they come to be believers.

As Baptists, we have two ordinances. The first, baptism, is the symbol of death (burial to our old ways) and rebirth (resurrection to new ways in Christ). Because Christ was baptized by immersion, so should we be. We practice a believer's baptism, i.e., the decision is made by the individual, based on belief in Christ Jesus. It is our custom to do baptism as part of the regular Sunday worship experience.

The second ordinance, communion, also called the Lord's Supper, is the symbol of Christ's body and blood sacrificed for us. It is our recommitment and obedience to Christ's command for us "to remember." Communion is both a private experience and a public declaration of Christ as part of our lives. We celebrate an open communion table: all who are present for worship are invited to partake. Whether or not to participate in communion is an individual or family decision.

Our church has long been active in supporting the American Baptist Churches-USA with both our money and our service. We concur with the denomination's basic beliefs of soul freedom, autonomy of the local church, believer's baptism, and separation of church and state. Like our denomination, we are a theologically diverse congregation. "Soul freedom" is usually defined to be the concept that an individual has the right and privilege to interpret Scripture for themselves in the context of their religious community, using the best available scholarship.

We believe in ecumenical witness and participation, and have had outreach programs and worship services in conjunction with other Christian churches of our city.

First Baptist Church
22800 56th Ave. W.
Mountlake Terrace, WA 98043-3922
(425) 778-2046
Last Modified
6 April 2019
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